Entertainment and Culture in Manistee County

Looking for some classic entertainment? Look no further. Manistee County is home to 8 different museums, an opera house, and a world class movie theater. In the summer, live music drifts down our coastline in sync with the splash of each wave.

Number of Museums

Opera House

World-Class Movie Theatre


Enjoy Manistee County's eclectic culture and a host of entertainment options

Search our Entertainment and Culture opportunities in Manistee County

So much art and culture, and so much to do and see.  Here are some of the top entertainment and culture activities in the region.  Don’t miss our popular FREE summer concert series during the summer season!

Your Entertainment. #MyManistee


Follow the travelers that love Manistee County, enjoy these stories about our incredible outdoor recreation, things-to-do, dining, shopping and unique experiences you will ONLY find here.

Browse our latest #MyManistee perspectives here, or scroll through these top stories in your category.

A Taste of Manistee

It’s early spring. The days are a little longer, the sun shines a bit brighter, trees start to sport a little green, and we are ready to get out and start exploring. Manistee welcomes you to the perfect destination for your spring getaway! Begin your exploration with...

Generations of Land: Farms in Manistee County

Farming in Manistee County is not just a job for the families who live and work here- it is part of their history and culture. Each individual farming family is unique in its own way, celebrating the traditions of ancestors through each crop they harvest...

City Bridges: Maple Street Bridge

Prior to the late 1860s, there was no easy access across the Manistee river channel. This meant that the town was actually made up of two areas and two communities, those that resided North of the city limits and those that resided South of the city. The...

The Sand Industry in Manistee

While salt was more or less discovered in Manistee, sand, on the other hand, was an abundant problem that residents of the city have had to, more or less, endure. In the past, the area's sand dunes gave the city a unique reputation for being pretty to look...

Top 6 Fall Color Trails 2021

If getting out into the fresh air and wide open spaces sounds appealing to you, you are not alone. With all that is going on in the world right now, it is a perfect opportunity to get out, stretch you legs, and enjoy some scenic fall color from our trails.  Here we...

The Udell History in Manistee County

THE ROLLWAY HISTORY Often times before we set out on a trip, we may wonder if the journey (like the old adage says) will be worth the destination. Upon turning onto Horseshoe Bend Road the thought of turning around and the phrase, “There’s not really much...

Little River. Big Fun.

The Pure Michigan campaign is well exemplified in Manistee County which is full of beautiful sites and scenery. Off the beaten path and on the shores of Lake Michigan, it is a recreational paradise that more people discover each year. When they arrive,...

Sweet Sounds

Looking for live music and a place to enjoy a meal or liquid libation while spending time in Manistee County? Well, look no further because there are many places throughout the county where you can catch great local bands and jam along to your favorite...

Immerse Yourself in the History of Manistee

In 2018, in collaboration with the Manistee County Historical Museum and with funding through the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development, the Manistee County Visitor’s Bureau introduced a comprehensive tour of the historic sites spanning the...

Hodenpyl & Tippy Dams

Completed in 1918, Tippy Dam (known as Junction Hydro when it was built) was named after Charles W. Tippy, a board of directors chair for Consumers Power.  Tippy is Consumer Energy’s second largest hydro dam producing up to 20,000 kilowatts and providing...