G&D Alpaca Farm

G&D Alpaca Farm

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PC: G&D Alpaca Farm
Contact Information
Phone: 231 723 2838
4796 Maple Road, Manistee, Michigan 49660, USA
"Deb and I (Greg) have lived in Manistee County all our lives and raised our children here and still proudly call this our home. Come visit our farm on Maple Road! For a couple of years now, we have been building a small alpaca farm. In addition to the farm we are opening a boutique featuring alpaca products along with local and Michigan made products. For the knitters we will have yarn spun from the fibers of our alpaca. These gentle animals are prized for their wonderful fleece. Alpaca have their ancestry traced to Peru and we will feature wonderful alpaca clothing and accessories made from that country. We love community and nature, and we cannot wait to share the beauty these animals hold. We are small, so we would love for you to help us grow! Please come out for a visit, sit awhile and watch the alpaca. Also, take a peek at Deb’s Boutique!"

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