Request Travel Guides

Request our annual visitors guide, trail and river maps and self-guided tours.  We look forward to your visit to Manistee County!

Fill out the form below to request travel materials from Manistee County

Please fill out the information below.  Please check all of the items you wish to have our travel team send you via mail/email. You may also view our “instant download” section located on this page to access content immediately. We look forward to your vacation and stay in Manistee County!





Guide Request


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* Indicates a required field.

*By requesting and subscribing, you will be added to our email marketing list where we will periodically reach out to keep you up to date on all of the great events, specials, and happenings in Manistee County. We will package your requested materials and send them to you within 5-10 business days.  In the meantime, please feel free to continue to browse around our website.  For additional details about terms and conditions, click here.

Instant Downloads

Don’t wait for the mail, access these great maps now and print at home and bring with you on your trip to Manistee County.  Select the toggles below to explore all of our available maps.