Natural Wonders Self-Guided Tour
Traverse the shores of Lake Michigan and explore our Natural Wonders. These nine sites were selected as part of this year’s Natural Wonders Tour because they have an amazing story t h a t we want t o share with yo u . From the artesian wells in Onekama, to the picturesque views atop Old Baldy, we take you on a walk, hike and drive through Manistee County.
Natural Wonders
Anticipated Tour Time (hours)
Total Distance (miles)
Natural Wonders. #MyManistee
Explore by our recommended tour route - or - Explore on your ownExplore with our recommended route map
Natural Wonders in Manistee County are not just natural, but also man-made creations put in place to fully enjoy the majestic beauty of our natural landscape. Download the .pdf here to enjoy a complete self-guided tour route along with photos of some of our most prized natural wonders.
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Explore on your own
Don’t have time to explore them all? Here you can access each individual site and pick the ones closest to you.
More Manistee County Self-Guided Tours